Blog Feeder


  1. Hi Lauren,
    I love your creative take on the assignment! You have created your own user-friendly interface with graphics that I enjoyed looking at. I feel like this is great for today's young people. I respect that you tried out two different blog readers in order to decide which would be best for you. That makes your decision seem all the more compelling. I enjoyed reading a blog so different from mine and with such a different outcome!

  2. Lauren,
    Your blog post is so much more visually appealing than mine. Dr. Perry mentioned that I should add some icons to break up all the text, and I think you've done that perfectly here! I like that you kept your information clear and concise. You were very informative without being overly wordy. I'll be checking out a few of those blogs you mentioned, as well.

  3. Hi Lauren,
    I'm going to sound like a broken record but your blog is visually appealing. I just couldn't stop reading and looking at every visual you posted. You made blog reading that much more interesting!
